воскресенье, 12 апреля 2020 г.

9th form  Distance learning
April, 13
Theme – Cinema, Theatre.

Warm – up.

Are you a cinema/ theatre goer? How often do you go to the cinema, theatre? When were you there last time?
Vocabulary practice
 Ex.7 p.139
Read and translate the exercise. Use the derivatives (похідне слово)
Help Converted version- перетворена версія; addict – фанат; to star – зіркувати, грати головну роль; musical score - музична партитура.
Ex.8 p.139
Choose the correct word. Learn all the words by heart.
Ex.9 p.139
Phrasal verbs. Learn them by heart.
Take out a subscription - оформити підписку
Sign up – зареєструватися
Bring out - випустити
Pull in – притягувати. затягувати
Come out – виходити
 Listen to the explanation and do the task.
What do these words mean? Give the translation.
Chick flick
Cut to the chase
That’s wrap

1. Ex.7 p.139 – Give the word and its derivative. eg. late - latest
2. Do Listening Comprehension. Give the translation of the words.
3. Answer the questions:
a) What are you addicted to? ( eg. I am addicted to watching movies)
b) Would you like to star in a film? What kind of film would it be?
c) How can an usher be helpful to you?
Now, have a break. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1e20B7TmKFNopRJ-6n7TJ1kBoEMHx6nU_

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