Дистанційне навчання для 10А 2020-2021







October 9, 2020

Lesson 2

Theme –Appearance

1.     Vocabulary practice

Do ex.1, 2, p.6

Character. Test yourself. Do ex.3, 4, p.6


Ex. 5, p. 6  Read the text and do the task.


October 9, 2020

Lesson 3

Theme –Personality

1.     Reading - Do ex.6,  p.7

Vocabulary practice -Do ex.7,  8, p.7

Grammar revision -Do ex.9, p.7

2.      Word formation -Do ex. 11, p.7


Ex.10, p. 7 

DEADLINE - the same day 5p.m.

October 7, 2020


Blue men of the desert

1. Read the text p.4

2. Work with the vocabulary from the text

ex. 2, 3, 4, p.5

4. Retell the text  -ex.5, p.5


1. Choose the correct answer A,B,C,D p.5(typed numbers and letters)

2. Ex.4 (typed numbers and words)

2. What's the main idea of the text?(2-3 typed sentences)

Send your homework to my email trevchun@gmail.com

DEADLINE - the same day 5p.m.

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  Culturestudy Lesson3 The   Royal Family Chapter I The British monarchy traces its origins from the petty kingdoms of early medieval S...