вторник, 7 апреля 2020 г.

9th form 
April, 8
Theme – Art and Artists

Warm – up.
Learn the words of wisdom:

“Creativity takes courage” Henri Matisse (French: [ matis];( 31 December 1869 – 3 November 1954) was a French artist, known for both his use of colour and his fluid and original draughtsmanship- оригінальна малюнкова майстерність)

Vocabulary practice
 Think over the usage of these words.
1.sensitive(easily upset by the things people say or do, or causing people to be upsetembarrassed, or angry)
2.claim(to say that you have done or achieved something)
3.precise (exact and accurate)
4.insist(to say firmly or demand forcefullyespecially when others disagree with or oppose what you say:

Do ex. 8p. 137(3-4sentences)

Listening comprehension
True or false
1. Van Gogh museum is in the Netherlands.
2. His father suggested him to take the career of an artist.
3. The painter travelled a lot and lived in many places.
4. His pictures are very colorful and bright.
5. Vincent Van Gogh was never married.
6. He was a determined person.
Choose the right answer.
1.      Vincent lived with his brother in A) Amsterdam B) Paris.
2.      He was careful with paints because A) he had little money B)he was tidy.
3.      He put balls of wool together A) to see whether the colours looked good B) to put things in the right place.
4.      People  A) liked his paintings B) didn’t like his paintings.
5.      He left Paris because A) he didn’t have a house where to live B) the city was too crowded and noisy for him.
6.      At the end of his life Vincent felt miserable and unhappy because A) he was ill B) he didn’t have friends.

1. Do ex. 8b (3-4sentences in writing)
2. Make up 4 sentences with the words SENSITIVE,CLAIM, PRECISE, INSIST.
3. Listen to the story about Vincent Van Gogh, do the task and tell it in short to someone in English. Don’t miss the opportunity to speak English.

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