четверг, 23 апреля 2020 г.

9th form
  Distance learning

April, 24


  Theme – Reported Commands and Requests


1.     Take your time to read the rules about reported commands and requests. https://grammarway.com/ua/indirect-speech 

                                                 Read the paragraph 

-                                               Прохання та накази.

2.     Watch the videos about reported commands and requests to better understand the rules.  
Report the commands and requests.

Warning (You won't do your HW unless you learn the rules)

1.       She said, "Go upstairs." → She told me       .
2.       "Close the door behind you," he told me. → He told me        .
3.       "Don't be late," he advised us         . ...
4.       "Stop staring at me," she     ...
5.       "Don't be angry with me," he...
6.       "Leave me alone," she...
7.       "Don't speak on the phone while driving," she warned us ...
8.       "John, stop smoking," she

Make up 2 sentences
using reported commands or requests in the negative form and 2- in the positive form.

Send your HW to my email

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