понедельник, 6 апреля 2020 г.

9th form 
April, 7
Theme – Art and Artists

Warm – up.
Learn the words of wisdom:
“A picture is a poem without words.” – Horace ˈhɔrɪs ] Квінт Горацій Флакк (лат. Quintus Horatius Flaccus8 грудня 65 до н. е. — 27 листопада 8 до н. е.) — поет «золотого віку» римської літератури, 

Vocabulary practice
1. Ex. 5, p.137. Complete the sentences.
1. Ex. 6, p.137. Work with the synonyms.
1. Ex. 7, p.137. Work with the opposites.

Read carefully the life story of one of the most famous artists of the world. Find his pictures in the Internet. Tell your mom or dad everything you know about Malevich in English and ask their opinion about his paintings.

Kasimir Severinovich Malevich 
was born near Kyiv. His father was the manager of a sugar factory. His family moved often and he spent most of his childhood in the villages of Ukraine amidst sugar-beet plantations, far from centers of culture. Until age 12 or 13 he knew nothing of professional artists. He liked peasant embroidery and decorated walls and stoves. He himself was able to paint in the peasant style. He studied drawing in Kiev, then he moved to Moscow. He studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. He belonged to the avant-garde artists of the time . Malevich worked in a variety of styles, such as cubism, impressionism, symbolism.  Soon his works became of pure geometric forms. His Black Square (1915), a black square on white is the most famous masterpiece. In 2008 this painting was sold at $60 million at Sotheby's (an auction in New York).
Malevich died of cancer in Leningrad on May 15, 1935.

  1. Write a sentence describing your parent’s impression about K.Malevich. Start like this – My Mom (Dad) said that …..(Remember about the rules of the reported speech!)
2. Do ex. 5, 6 and 7 (numbers - words)
  1. Translate the sentences into English. Study ex.5
Якщо ти хочеш зняти нічну сцену камерою, скористайся спалахом.
Тренуйся затримувати дихання, якщо ти хочеш зануритися в морську глибину.
Рембрандт (Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (/ˈrɛmbrænt/) ) зображав людину точно і виразно.
В результаті карантину виникло багато проблем до яких важко пристосуватись

Can you translate the expression I got the gig ?

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